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Critical threat of antibiotic resistance to Sub-Saharan African children

UNIGE and HUG studies reveal alarming antibiotic resistance in enterobacteria.

Blood test detects potentially fatal heart condition in children

Blood biomarkers predict risk in children's heart disease.

Metabolic parameters in children born via frozen embryo transfer

Metabolic factors did not differ between fresh embryo transfer and those born via frozen embryo transfer.

New scanner gives clearest ever picture of children’s developing brain

This opens up new possibilities for tracking how critical developmental milestones.

Vitamin D deficiency was common among children during the industrialization period in England

The deficiency was indicated in the teeth of three-quarters of individuals, especially males.

Several air contaminants are linked to children’s asthma symptoms

It’s not just one pollutant that can be linked to asthma outcomes.

Children in households with firearms have higher lead levels

Child lead levels in the U.S. tied to firearm exposure (2012-2018).

Non-White children in England face 12% higher mortality risk

Ethnicity, deprivation, and infant mortality in England.

Diabetes risk is noticeable in young Samoan children

Samoa examines how physical activity and diet affect body composition differently in boys and girls aged 3 to 7.

Liquid laundry detergent packet exposure burden among young children remains

Researchers call for renewed safety efforts to protect our most vulnerable populations.

6 in 10 children under five have micronutrient deficiencies

Maternal factors played a crucial role in the nutritional status of the children.

Treatments for children with sickle cell

New research reveals equitable treatments for pediatric sickle cell.